If you use a Citibank credit card, you can choose to make your payment online, by phone, or by NEFT. The due date will appear on the statement and is normally between 17 and 23 days from the date you receive it. You can also set up standing instructions to automatically withdraw the payment from your checking account. This feature is available for people who don’t have enough time to make their monthly payments in person.
If you use a mobile device, you can log into the banking portal using your smartphone or tablet. Then, select a date and amount for the bill. After that, authorize the bank to automatically deduct the bill from your bank account. The bank will process the payment as soon as the bill is generated and available. If you don’t have access to a computer, you can also download the Citigroup mobile app. Download the app and sign in to your account with your mobile device. From there, you can see a list of pending bills. If you have an active credit card, you can tap on the ‘Pay Now’ button to proceed with the payment.
You can also use your bank’s NEFT facility to make your payments. In this case, you will need to add your Citibank credit card number to your NEFT account. After you complete the transaction, you will receive the funds in your account on the same day as the payment is made. To make things even easier, Citibank now allows you to make payments through your other bank account.