The short film “Victim,” directed by Bahman Radan, has been selected for the 13th edition of the Riurau Film Festival. This marks the film’s fourth appearance at international festivals; previously, “Victim” was selected at the Vegan Çiftlik Short Film Festival, the Madeira Curtas Film Festival, and was shortlisted as a Top 100 entry at the Three Acts of Goodness Micro Film Festival breakingtimes.
The official website of the RRFF announced this year’s selected films, and “Victim” will be screened from August 20 to 25, 2024, in the Marina Alta region of Alicante, Spain (Dénia, Xàbia/Jávea, and Jesús Pobre).
According to AD1Film, the short film “Victim,” directed by Bahman Radan, has been selected for the official short fiction section of the 13th Riurau International Short Film Festival in Spain. In “Victim,” a father sacrifices an animal on Eid al-Adha following ancient customs. He gives the last bowl of water to the goat, but the boy runs away with the goat…
The Riurau International Short Film Festival (Riurau Film Festival) is an international event established by the nonprofit “Riurau Film School” (ECRR) in 2012. The festival aims to create a suitable environment for filmmakers to meet, compete with artistic works from around the world, and promote cultural development.
The festival features five main sections, including competitions for short fiction films, socially themed short films, and environmental films. The 13th edition of the Riurau International Short Film Festival will begin on August 19 in Dénia, Xàbia/Jávea, and Jesús Pobre and will run until August 25, 2024.
The short film “Victim,” a conceptual and wordless piece by Bahman Radan, will be screened from August 19 to 25, 2024, in the competitive short film section of the Riurau International Short Film Festival in Spain, vying for the festival’s main awards infonewsmedia.
The festival organizers are planning the exact screening dates and times within this period, but the precise schedule has yet to be officially announced.
The crew of “Victim” includes:
– Director: Bahman Radan
– Writer: Sara Moradi
– Actors: Ramazan Öğüt, Ramazan Uzun
– Cinematographer: Bahman Radan
– Editor and Colorist: Zahra Radanfar
– Production Designer and Costume Designer: Emre Bucak
– Original Music, Sound Designer, and Sound Mixer: Siavash Beigi
– Photographer: Younes Ozet
– Assistant Director and Planner: Zahra Radanfar
– Poster Designer: Mohammad Jafari
This short film was produced by AD1Film in Turkey and is being internationally distributed by Iran Film Port.
In a statement, Bahman Radan, the director, said:
“In many religions and ancient traditions, animals are brutally sacrificed on holy days like Eid al-Adha to purify sins, seek forgiveness, or fulfill wishes. Sometimes, these ceremonies even result in bloodbaths in the streets. In this film, a young boy, attached to his goat, tries to save it from his father. He is willing to sacrifice himself to protect the goat from harm usainfopress.
Our goal with this film was to challenge this mindset and ask people to consider: Can torturing and killing an innocent animal that feels, has eyes, and bleeds like us be good for us? How can someone seek freedom and peace through the captivity and torture of another being?”
Radan continues:
“We are sure that taking the lives of creatures perpetuates a cycle of violence, suffering, and killing, and we hope everyone reflects on this issue and learns to sacrifice their ego before the divine.”
About Bahman Radan
Bahman Radan, a 37-year-old Iranian filmmaker, addresses social issues in his works, often focusing on animal rights and peace. His previous short film, “That Also Breathes” (2024), also tackles discrimination against animals and has garnered accolades at several international festivals.
Filmography of Bahman Radan
– Short Film: “That Also Breathes” (2024)
– Short Film: “Return” (2024)
– Short Film: “Victim” (2023)
– Short Film: “Circle” (2022)
– Documentary: “Smoking Kills But Not You” (2022)
– Short Film: “That Also Breathes” (2024)
– Short Film: “Return” (2024)
– Short Film: “Victim” (2023)
– Short Film: “Circle” (2022)
– Documentary: “Smoking Kills But Not You” (2022)
– Short Film: “Childhood Dream” (2022)
– Short Film: “Smile” (2024)
– Short Screenplay: “Deja Vu”
– Short Story: “The Dance of the Sun”
– Short Story: “Unconsciously”
– Feature Screenplay: “No Land”
– Short Screenplay: “Discredited”
– Feature Screenplay: “3/14”
– Short Screenplay: “Wound”
– Short Screenplay: “Hook Stone”